The United States was historically referred to as the “melting pot” because it rep-resented people of many nationalities who immigrated to this country in hopes of finding a better life. The individuals in this country bring all their cultural diversi-ties with them, including their cuisine. Many choose to assimilate immediately by learning the language and trying the foods of their new country; others may favor the foods and customs of their country of origin. The diet that individuals follow will determine, to a large extent, their health, growth, and development. It has never been more imperative that active measures be taken to make our social, cultural, political, and economic environment in relation to diet a health-promoting one.
Taking care of one’s health is all about prevention. In the past, the focus was on treatment of diseases, with little, if any, attention to prevention. Preven-tion, however, can often be less costly than treatment and offer a better quality of life for an individual as well as the community. Nutrition and diet choice form a logical starting point for preventive health care measures and education to improve quality of life.
Achieving wellness that integrates body, mind, and spirit should be the main goal in life. This can be accomplished through lifestyle changes such as focusing on healthy food choices, not smoking, participating in regular physical activity, and maintaining a healthy weight. Expanding one’s mind through con-tinued education, in both nutrition and other areas, and finding a source of inner strength to deal with life changes will all contribute to one’s sense of wellness.
Living a long life without major health problems is possible. The younger one is when positive changes are made, the healthier one is throughout the life span.
To maintain health and function properly, the body must be provided with nutrients. Nutrients are chemical substances that are necessary for life.They are divided into six classes:
· Carbohydrates (CHO)
· Fats (lipids)
· Proteins
· Vitamins
· Minerals
· Water
The body can make small amounts of some nutrients, but most must be obtained from food in order to meet the body’s needs. Those available only in food are called essential nutrients. There are about 40 of them, and they are found in all six nutrient classes.
The six nutrient classes are chemically divided into two categories: or-ganic and inorganic (Table 1-1). Organic nutrients contain hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. (Carbon is an element found in all living things.) Before the body can use organic nutrients, it must break them down into their smallest compo-nents. Inorganic nutrients are already in their simplest forms when the body ingests them, except for water.
Each nutrient participates in at least one of the following functions:
• Providing the body with energy
• Building and repairing body tissue
• Regulating body processes
Carbohydrates (CHO), proteins, and fats (lipids) furnish energy.Proteins are also used to build and repair body tissues with the help of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins, minerals, and water help regulate the various body processes such as circulation, respiration, digestion, and elimination.
Each nutrient is important, but none works alone. For example, carbohy-drates, proteins, and fats are necessary for energy, but to provide it, they need the help of vitamins, minerals, and water. Proteins are essential for building and repairing body tissue, but without vitamins, minerals, and water, they are ineffective. Foods that contain substantial amounts of nutrients are described as nutritious or nourishing.