Debugging time can ruin game development. Click here to learn how to reduce it.
This might come as a shock, but the average developer spends 25–50% of their time per year on debugging – nobody has time for that, literally. There aren’t too many statistics on this, but we know game launch delays are common, and we can see why developers are spending up to 50% of their time on debugging.
Delays are money, and so is debugging. Below, we’ll look at reducing debugging time in game development.
You can’t know how to reduce debugging time if you don’t know what’s causing it. Here are some of the common sources of game bugs:
Some of the best game engines typically reduce this risk, but we can’t deny that a lot of it is down to human error.
The unmet potential of bugs will only rot and have an adverse effect and negate the benefits of accelerated game development. Bugs emerge, and if they are not dealt with in troubleshooting – that seems to be the best approach – they will only open up greater flaws. A tiny flaw might create extreme frustration or hostility in gameplay. Putting bugs through an array of hardcore refining methods seems to prevent root cause problems and lead to a better experience on the whole.
There are significant advances in debugging in modern game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine – that’s why we’d always recommend using them and paying slightly more for the better game engine. These debugging tools give you breakpoints during gameplay to check whether certain variables are being updated in real-time. This makes it easier to test your game and find any issues inside your code one layer at a time.
And more importantly, those tools offer some performance metrics that allow identifying performance issues, which will help avoid lags in your game performance.
If automated testing is done, there is a likelihood of debugging time being cut short because of catching bugs during the development stage. Unit tests are very useful because they focus on a single element, like a character movement logic, and test whether it works as supposed to. Integration tests will also be necessary, as they will determine whether physics, animations and other systems are properly interconnected. Regression tests check if new versions have interfered with the established features. Including these tests will help prevent bugs from getting out of hand, hence making the development process more consistent.
To detect bottlenecks, use profiling tools like the Unity Profiler or Unreal Insights. These tools allow you to understand which of your codes consume the most resources. With this information at hand, you will shift your optimization efforts to the problem areas, enhancing the overall performance of the game while providing a better experience for the players.
Debugging should never wait until all the developing aspects are all finalized. It is advisable to debug while progressing through the project to avert the escalation of certain problems.
When the code is clear and documented, finding an error in it is easier. Look for meaningful variable names and use comments and enforce consistent coding standards. We guarantee that in the future you (and your team) will love developmental saving.
The challenge of debugging an entire piece of code all at once is often quite, well, something people don’t want to do. Disintegrate a larger piece of code into independent, interacting parts. One thing you must understand: debugging in smaller parts is more manageable.
Two brains are better than one. Integrate your research and share it with your colleagues. Alternative approaches have the potential to give you information that would otherwise not be available to you.
Despite all we’ve mentioned, you’re probably still going to run into bugs. There’s definitely a lot you can do to reduce the likelihood of them, but at least be prepared to face them. The aim is to reduce bugs, not remove them completely.